This is a temperature and humidity recorder with phone calls & SMS alerts and a local alarm. Temperature & Humidity monitoring is critical for many sensitive industrial segments. These include pharmaceuticals, life care, food processing, dairy, fruits & vegetables, logistics etc.
Finding the Latest In WiFi Temperature And Humidity Monitoring
As an example, we need to store medicines and vaccines under controlled temperatures. There are certain medicines that require storage between 2°C and 8°C. There are many other medicines that require storage between 15°C and 25°C. Many times the humidity level has to be below 65%. Similar cases are applicable to blood, plasma, vaccines, tissues, food, fruits, vegetables etc.
We require continuous monitoring to ensure that the temperature and humidity are always within the limits. WiFi temperature monitoring & humidity monitoring is one of the most useful monitoring systems. These are for pharmaceutical, healthcare, life sciences, food industry, cold chain management etc.
Advantages of WiFi Temperature Monitoring System
Until a few years ago we were connecting all such systems through a local data point (data port). This data port goes through a centralized LAN and server. Nowadays installing a WiFI network is cheaper than a wired LAN. Hence we can connect more and more devices through a WiFi network. For connecting 10 devices through a wired LAN, we will need 10 data ports. However, for connecting 10 devices through WiFI, we will need only one data port. We can connect this data port to a WiFi router. All 10 devices will communicate with this WiFi router.
A phone call, Email, or SMS alert with Temperature & Humidity monitoring
All of our systems are capable of connecting to different alert systems. They can generate phone calls for up to 10 operators. Simultaneously they can send text alerts through SMS. Also, the system will send email alerts with the exact temperature readings of the alert. In addition to these, if you want a siren or audible alarm, we can even provide that. This is especially useful for a local operator or a security staff.
Different types of phone call alert systems are possible. The first one is through a cloud-based internet calling system. The second one is a GSM-based phone call alert. This is a device with a local SIM card that makes a call exactly similar to a mobile phone. This is more reliable since we do not have to worry about internet connectivity.
Most WiFi temperature & humidity monitoring systems are portable and we can easily move them around. Most such devices are capable of two-way communication between a local network and the internet.
Comparison of a WiFi, Wired-LAN and Radio Frequency Temperature & Humidity recording & alert system:
The most common types of recording systems are WiFi, Wired-LAN and Radio Frequency systems. Please see below a table indicating comparisons of these systems.
Parameter | WiFi | Wired LAN | Radio Frequency / Zigbee |
Adding more monitors & sensors | We can add to any existing WiFi. Also, we can easily add additional WiFi routers which are cheap. | Additional LAN points are required. | Need reconfiguration and range limitation. May need additional receivers, which will become costly. |
Data security | Secured | Secured | Secured |
Power supply | They will work on a battery. But lasts shorter than an Rf system | It works with a continuous power supply either from an electrical supply or PoE. | These work on batteries and may work for a couple of years before recharging. They consume only a small amount of power. |
Overall cost | Systems that work with batteries do not require power connection and hence installation will be cheaper. | Each device requires a separate installation and can become costly. | This will be the costliest for small requirements. This is because it requires one receiver even if you have only one transmitter. However, this becomes cheaper for big open areas since one receiver can work for 20-30 transmitters. Also, installation is simple since no wiring is involved. |
Price comparison | Cheaper than Wired LAN & Rf or Zigbee* | Costlier than WiFI & cheaper than Rf & Zigbee* | Costlier than WiFI and Wired LAN since More receivers are required for coverage, especially in buildings such as hospitals* |
Note: The cost comparison is general, and will vary depending on the application & type of installation.
Applications of WiFi Monitoring systems
A few of the major applications are detailed herein.
- Cold chain management industry for storage and transportation of medicines.
- Medical refrigerators in hospitals, pharmacies, research laboratories etc.
- Walk-in cold room, walk-in chiller, walk-in freezer etc. used for storage of medicines, vaccines, food etc.
- Datacenter and server rooms for monitoring and maintaining humidity and temperature.
WiFi Monitoring System for Hospitals
In hospitals, a WiFi temperature monitoring system is one way that nurses or attendants can continuously monitor critical parameters of various equipment in a patient’s room. Also, there are pharmacies, blood banks etc. which need monitoring and recording.
Normally we use monitoring for the following critical segments:
- Medicines and vaccines in Pharmacies in the normal environment.
- Medical refrigerators and medical freezers for storage of plasma, blood, body tissues, medical samples etc.
- Laboratories under controlled temperature.
- Rooms for storage of optical instruments and glasses.
- Operation theatres always require a controlled environment.
- Clean rooms, isolation rooms, isolation wards etc. in hospitals.
- Phlebotomy rooms require a controlled environment.
WiFi Monitoring System for Medical Refrigerators and Freezers
The advantage of using a WiFI system is most prominent in Medical refrigerators. Normally relocation happens for these refrigerators and freezers. Also, we have to remove them for repairs.
If the monitoring system is WiFi, it is very easy to disconnect and remove. Once the refrigerator is back into the WiFi network, it restores the connection automatically. Even when you add additional refrigerators in the same network, it is very easy to add monitoring. Adding new network points in a LAN system is always labour-intensive and hence costly.
Also, these systems are capable of giving an alert if there is a power failure. We can connect phone calls, SMS and Email alerts. Any number of operators can receive alerts if temperature or humidity exceeds permitted levels. Also, they will receive alerts in case there is a power failure.
Our Related Products for monitoring Temperature or Humidity
Please see our pages for related products for monitoring of temperature and humidity:
- Monitoring system for cold stores, walk-in Cold storage
- Monitoring system for Warehouses
- Monitoring system for medical refrigerators and freezers
- Monitoring systems for Data centre and Server Rooms
Product Description of temperature and humidity recorder with a phone call & SMS alerts and a local siren
- Brief Title of the device: Temperature and humidity recorder with phone call & SMS alerts and a local siren.
- Brief Description of the device: Internet-based Temperature and humidity recorder. They have Phone calls, SMS, Email and Local Siren alerts. Suitable for pharma storage, life care, clean room, operation theatre, food processing, dairy, fruits & vegetables, logistics etc.
- Model number: VAC-TV2WS4ETM
- Brand: VackerGlobal
- Seller: VackerGlobal
- SKU Number: 1005000115
- Price (USD): 1,635.00
- Price Validity: 30 June 2023
Please contact us for the latest specifications and prices before purchasing.
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