Combustible gases detector-transmitter is suitable for applications such as underground parking, boiler rooms, kitchens, battery charging rooms, and other areas where it is possible to accumulate the potentially explosive concentration of combustible gases.
Combustible Gases Detector-Transmitter model VAC-E2648-LEL
VAC-E2648-LEL is easy to install combustible gases detector-transmitter with a robust enclosure.
Range of measurement for this combustible gases detector-transmitter is 0-100% LEL.
It has 2 analogue outputs settable at 4-20 mA or 0-10 V with RS485 Modbus RTU digital interface.
VAC-E2648-LEL has a relay option.
The remote probe of this combustible gases detector-transmitter is optional.
Specifications of Combustible gases detector-transmitter model VAC-E2648-LEL:
VAC-E2648-LEL can detect acetylene, butane, hydrogen, methane, and propane gases.
Calibration for this combustible gases detector-transmitter model VAC-E2648-LEL is Methane CH4.
Sensor type used is metal oxide semiconductor. Catalytic bead (pellistor) is optional but not suitable for acetylene.
The combustible gases detector-transmitter model VAC-E2648-LEL sampling method is diffusion.
The typical detection range for MOS and the catalytic sensor is 0-100% LEL.
Resolution of MOS sensor is 0.1% LEL while the catalytic sensor is 1% LEL.
Response time T90 for MOS sensor is ~60 seconds while the catalytic sensor is 8 seconds.
Sensor lifetime for MOS is more than 5 years while for the catalytic sensor is more than 2 years.
MOS sensor has 12 months maintenance interval while the catalytic sensor has 3-6 months.
Operating temperature for MOS sensor is -30 to +70 degrees Celsius while for the catalytic sensor is -20 to +60 degrees Celsius.
Self-diagnostics with full functionality check at start-up.
Warm-up time is less than or equal to 1 minute.
The power supply of this combustible gases detector-transmitter model VAC-E2648-LEL is 11-30 VDC or 24 VAC. 90 to 265 VAC power unit is also available.
The power consumption is less than 2 VA.
Combustible gases detector-transmitter model VAC-E2648-LEL has RS485 digital interface.
It has 2 analogue outputs settable at 4-20 mA or 0-10 V.
It has a die-cast aluminium, wall-mounted enclosure and IP66 safety rating.
The dimensions of this combustible gases detector-transmitter model VAC-E2648-LEL is H120 × W125 × D57 millimetres.
It can be operated at an industrial indoor and outdoor areas.
Operating conditions of this combustible gases detector-transmitter model VAC-E2648-LEL is less than 95% relative humidity with 0.9 to 1.1 atmospheric pressure, non-ATEX rated spaces, normal ambient oxygen level. Extreme mechanical shock, vibrations or EMI should be avoided. Avoid exposure to corrosive gases or products containing silicone.
Relay outputs (option)
It has 2 SPST output relays (closing contact) with 250 VAC or 30 VDC at 5 A max current.
The default warning set-points of this combustible gases detector-transmitter model VAC-E2648-LEL at Low is set at 20% LEL, release 16% LEL.
The default warning set-points of this combustible gases detector-transmitter model VAC-E2648-LEL at High is set at 50% LEL, release 40% LEL.
Other options:
It has an IP65 secured remote sensor probe, shielded cable. The cable’s default length is 3.0 meters.
We supply combustible gases detector-transmitter across the world covering Europe, USA, Latin America, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Canada etc.
In the Middle East, we supply combustible gases detector-transmitter in the United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Tunisia etc.
In Africa, we supply combustible gases detector-transmitter in countries including Kenya, Algeria, Tanzania, Djibouti, Chad, Ghana, Rwanda, Uganda, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Morocco, Angola, South Africa etc.
Also, we supply combustible gases detector-transmitter to India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Srilanka, Maldives and Cyprus.